Sunday, December 13

Portraits of a Lady


Wednesday, December 9

A besta

Avassaladora, a besta apodera-se de mim violentamente. Atira-me, abana-me, possui-me.

Mundo de solidão, este. Como um silêncio pesado, de voz grave.

A besta isola-me, prende-me, assusta-me. É como ter medo do escuro, mas quando há luz.

Criatura que vem desanunciada e me deixa num vazio de explicações egoístas.

A besta arranca-me o coração, cospe-o na minha cara depois de tão profundos sentimentos. Expõe-me, enfraquece-me.

É como chorar todos os dias quando deito a cabeça na almofada. Enche-me de todos os sentimentos mais injustos, mais precários.

A besta é a metáfora para o sofrimento, é aliteração em todos os sons que doem.

A besta é o amor que habita em mim.

Corrupt You

.I could corrupt you in a heartbeat.

Depeche Mode


Tuesday, December 8



Do silêncio faço um grito

Que o corpo todo me dói

Deixai-me chorar um pouco..."

Sunday, December 6

Notes from a small town Paris

It'll be three months since I got here. Paris is different, the light is beautiful and the sights gorgeous. I was quite amazed to find that Paris is actually the city of love, as the cliché tells us. Of course, the cliché was more of a urban myth for me, but it only served to tell me otherwise. As you walk the Seine you see couples sitting down, enjoying each other, being lovely.

However, it isn't all beautiful. The first few weeks were horrible! I even spend 9 hours sitting in front of a door (at uni) trying to sign up for the courses I wanted to take. I was one of the last ones to go in only to find out that more than half of the courses I was interested in were already full! Plus, whenever there's a problem, it's never no one's fault, they pass it along to someone else "Oh, it isn't here, try the next door!"; "We can't take care of that here, try the door on your left". Meaning you never get anything done or sorted out in time. 
Nonetheless, people in the shops are generally rude and things (and food) are too over priced. The good thing is you get to go to museums for free if you're under 26 and have a European nationality. Sarkozy had to do something right, n'est-ce pas?

Meeting lots of people is certainly one of the great aspects of being a student in such a 'studenty' city, plus as an Erasmus. You never run out of things to do, there's always something going on or somewhere you haven't been before.

It's not hard to find a job if you're looking for some extra money. Baby-sitting is a very common activity. Supermarkets need students and their time flexibility. If you end up living in a building with nice neighbours they'll probably give you something to do (those who have kids of course). 

The weather is beautiful. Autumn came in all its splendour and allowed for some gorgeous days and lovely colours. Winter is arriving and you can feel it. Despite the low temperatures and the rain nothing keeps you away from the cafés, the bookshops or from walking around the city centre. Cafés have heating outside so it's as lovely as being inside, with the plus that you can smoke (if you do).

Yes, it gets lonely and yes, you miss things and people, but the personal growth you experience throughout the tough time make you feel like everything's got a purpose. You learn so much about yourself that, after some time, you don't really care whether you're feeling lonely or not. Truth be told, this is how the story goes for me, but we all have different ways of dealing with this. What i want to say is... you'll take something extremely positive out of this even if sometimes you're feel somehow depressed.

I've got to go to work, so I'll probably add on things later.